The Tony Kuchel Skin Cancer Foundation

In May 2024, the Kuchel family formed a charity in honour of the late Tony Kuchel, who passed away in September 2021.

Tony had received a double lung transplant in September 2017 and as is the case with all transplant recipients, his immune system was compromised and in late 2020, he developed facial skin cancers because of this.  Unfortunately, the cancer spread to his lungs and he passed away in September 2021.

The Kuchel family felt there was not enough information or knowledge in the general community, and even by medical staff, regarding the dangers and prevalence of skin cancer, so the inaugural Tony Kuchel Memorial Round-up (car/truck/bike) show was held in October 2022.  Proceeds were used to provide free skin checks to the general Barossa community in mid 2023, and in October 2023, the second Round-up was held with free skin checks held on the day for attendees and in May of 2024, two more days of free skin checks were once again held in the Barossa, with funds raised at the 2023 Round-up.

To ensure that funds raised were used in the Barossa community, and for attendees of future Round-ups, the Tony Kuchel Skin Cancer Foundation Inc. was formed.  Deductable gift recipient status is also held by the Foundation – making donations of $2 and over tax deductable.

The 2024 Tony Kuchel Memorial Round-up will be held on Oct 27th at the Kuchel depot.